With a rich history of over a century of service, Theological College has prepared generations of holy, theologically astute, self-motivated, socially responsible, and compassionate priests to serve the Church.
The most recent version of Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis calls for the personal and communal accompaniment of each seminarian through the various stages of the formation process. The opportunity for a profound personal and communal accompaniment has been a long-standing hallmark of the formation program at Theological College.
Bishops from around the country attest to Theological College’s commitment to the human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation of motivated and deeply communal-minded seminarians after the heart of Jesus who have the necessary tools to face and embrace future ministerial challenges for the Church of today.
Among its many unique attributes, Theological College offers an unparalleled formation program that allows for the accompaniment of each seminarian in the discernment process, as Pastores Dabo Vobis suggests:
“[T]he life and ministry of the priest must also ‘adapt to every era and circumstance of life.... For our part we must therefore seek to be as open as possible to light from on high from the Holy Spirit, in order to discover the tendencies of contemporary society, recognize the deepest spiritual needs, determine the most important concrete tasks and the pastoral methods to adopt, and thus respond adequately to human expectations.’ (Pope John Paul II, Angelus, Jan. 14, 1990)" (PDV #5)
"We prepare priests — men who are self motivated, responsible, disciplined, strongly intellectual, and ready to face the challenges of the 21st century."
The Crossroads is Theological College’s community magazine which is distributed to alumni, friends, bishops, and vocations directors. Each issue shares news about the seminary and its students, faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as special events and happenings at TC and Catholic University.